Aspartame and Lawsuits

Lawsuits Against Companies Manufacturing or Selling Aspartame / Neotame

Updated: September 18, 2004

by Mark D. Gold
Aspartame Toxicity Information Center

Several law firms have asked for copies of research and are compiling aspartame poisoning case histories. They are considering filing a Class Action lawsuit against the manufacturers of aspartame and distributors of aspartame.

The Aspartame Toxicity Information Center answered a request for research and historical documents related to aspartame. I have been told that the attorneys are focusing initially on collecting cases of aspartame-induced seizures and brain cancer. Having outside experts review the cases and documents appears to be a very slow process and it is not known when a Class Action lawsuit will be filed. If a Class Action lawsuit is filed by law firms with sufficient resources, this web page will be updated and information on participation in lawsuit will be published.

In 2004, a series of small lawsuits have been filed by several individuals in California against makers of aspartame and related companies / organizations. (See for example:
Court Documents.) At the request of two individuals involved in the case, the Aspartame Toxicity Information Center forwarded copies of independent scientific and historic documents about aspartame toxicity.

I am not involved in the lawsuits in any official capacity and am not aware of the details of the series of lawsuits filed, but it is hoped that the lawsuits results in the elimination or reduction in aspartame poisoning cases and that individuals with more severe aspartame poisoning are compensated.

The Aspartame Toxicity Information Center is available to help scientists, physicians, lawyers and others get the information they need to help eliminate and heal from aspartame poisoning.

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