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Case #1

Subject: Re: Curing Allergies (NAET)
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 10:07:29 EST

I am having NAET treatments and they do work!!! It seems impossible, but they actually do cure allergies. Amazing and unexpected results for me thus far (besides not reacting anymore to stuff that used to make me sick) include the enhancement of my sense of smell (now works just like it did when I was a kid), and a marked improvement in my vision, including night vision. The treatments use no drugs at all, so those who are chemically sensitive should have no fears about that.

Those interested should also see the site at This site is maintained by the practitioner that I go to. I can also recommend her book "Winning the War Against Asthma and Allergies". The local MD's send their asthmatic children to her to be cured, but they obviously hate having to use alternative medicine, and make it very clear they don't want to know how she does it - they just want their kids to get well. I find that an interesting statement on the Western medicine establishment.


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